case study

Programmatic Case Study

When it came time to deploy Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO), Sweet Fin consulted the programmatic professionals at TheMadeGroup. The overall objective was for TheMadeGroup to outperform its previous agency.

The Strategy

The largest difficulty faced by TheMadeGroup was enhancing personalization for recent, unsuccessful website visitors of Sweet Fin. We purposefully decided to dynamically present the specific bowls and ingredients that are most pertinent to a certain consumer's experience with Sweet Fin in order to maximize personalization.

With the help of DCO, we were able to successfully enhance Sweet Fin's brand awareness and raise the brand's visibility within two weeks of launch—more than twice what Sweet Fin had previously accomplished with their previous agency. Showcasing the brand's commercial on a national level with Spectrum TV network.

TheMadeGroup’s custom-designed assets have regularly generated huge brick-and-mortar traffic, which is a staggering improvement over the brand's prior performance. The revenue and return on ad spend for Sweet Fin have significantly risen as a result of the dynamic Video, Photo, and HTML5 GIFs we also created that were matched to different product page visits.




Increase in ROAS



Increase in ROAS